Armin Heining


Sexual Energy Massage – PlayShop

This awaits you:

Immerse yourself in the world of relaxation, playfulness, tranquillity, energy and connectedness. GAY-TANTRA opens the door for you!
Feel pride and self-confidence to open up new levels of consciousness with your sexuality for your life.

By taking part in the Sexual Energy Massage Workshop you open up new perspectives for your love life. Feel sexually attractive and charged with energy and experience life direct and uncomplicated.


When selecting our sexual partner we are usually more influenced by their outer appearance and personality. It is often not possible to make natural contact without experiencing inevitable disappointments.
We live more in external perception and judgement, rather than feeling our own body’s potential as a vehicle for pleasure, love, understanding and ecstasy.
We prefer to fantasize about our sexuality, rather than really experience it.

This workshop aims to strengthen the relationship to your own body to get you out of your fantasy world into the present moment!

Course and contents:

  • Body awareness, movement and encounter help you to contact up with yourself and the other men.
  • Active and silent meditations stimulate the flow of energy to sensitize the skin and organs and prepare you to sense energy coursing throughout your whole body.
  • The imaginary division of your body into seven segments helps you to channel your awareness to a specific area.
  • Genital touch and massage stimulates your pelvic area and your sexual fire. You see how this fire spreads through the chakras in your body.
  • In the ritual of “sexual energy massage” you channel your sexual desire through your whole body and connect it up with your massage partner. You immerse yourself in a shared experience of sexual pleasure and energy.

On the basis of your own experiences and through conversation, talks and personal exchange you get an accurate picture how to incorporate the workshop contents into your daily life and how you can improve it. The introductory workshop also gives you a more accurate picture of how you can profit from ongoing GAY-TANTRA® courses and trainings, and their incredible potential.

This workshop is suitable for you:

  • If you want to experience yourself, your body and your sexuality in a new way.
  • If you want to overcome blocks and become a free human being.
  • If you want to develop your sexual life.
  • If you want to connect sex with love, appreciation, respect and spirituality.
  • If you want to increase your spontaneity and creativity and develop yourself.
GAY-TANTRA Lehr- und Ratgeberfilm 'Ultimate Gay Sex'

Upon registration for this introductory workshop first-time participants will receive the following materials for advance familiarization and preparation:

The GAY-TANTRA Educational Film ‘Ultimate Gay Sex‘ (running time about 65 minutes) and other Bonus Films for Download allows you to maximize what you will learn and take home from the workshop (all films together value about EUR 35).

GAY-TANTRA Klassisch Ekstatisch

Classic / Ecstatic

Dates for booking:

Venue: Care & Share Zentrum, Welser Str. 5-7, 10777 Berlin

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue: Seminar- and Practicehouse ‘Alte Schmiede’, Ellerstraße 32 , 53119 Bonn

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!

Venue: Care & Share Zentrum, Welser Str. 5-7, 10777 Berlin

No one should be stopped from participating for financial reasons only; get in touch if you need assistance!


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